Thursday, November 13, 2014

EC2 Course

Course Objectives To develop knowledge, ability, skills and attitudes  in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Vocabulary and sentence structures are focused at intermediate levels for communication in daily situations.

Course Description 
The purpose of this course is to enhance the potential of adult students, who finished English for Communication 1 course, for communicating in daily situations  namely describing people's appearance, describing  people's personality, describing things and places, making phone calls, shopping, making simple presentation, giving instructions, and exchanging opinions.  This course encourages students to apply English as a foreign language(EFL) politely, correctly and properly in everyday expressions. It provides vocabulary and sentence structures at intermediate level for learners. The concentrated skills include listening and speaking, but reading and writing are also integrated. It is a 7 weeks long and has 3 credit, delivered mainly in class, and partly through web-based exercises.
At the completion of this course, learners will be able to communicate confidently and meaningfully.  Perseverance and good behavior are required for attending this course.

Target Audience: Associate students who are undertaking the first year at Phangnga Community College.

Assessing and Evaluating
1. Formative tests  70 points:      
      Exercises                                                     20 points
      Tests                                                           20 points
     Online exercise and class participation          30 points

2. Summative (Final exam)                                30 points

Course Evaluation


80 - 100
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
0 - 49

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